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Example domain paragraphs

Existing law, the Domestic Worker Bill of Rights (Labor Code section 1451-1453), regulates the hours of work of domestic work employees who are personal attendants and provides an overtime compensation rate for those employees. The Domestic Worker Bill of Rights defines terms for its purposes and requires the Governor to convene a committee to study and report to the Governor on the effects of its provisions on personal attendants and their employers.

Pursuant to Labor Code section 1453, the Domestic Worker Bill of Rights would be repealed as of January 1, 2017. SB 1015 deletes that repeal date. By extending the effect of the Domestic Worker Bill of Rights, the violation of which is a misdemeanor, this bill would expand the definition of a crime, which would impose a state-mandated local program. Here is the full text of the heart of the Domestic Worker Bill of Rights, Labor Code section 1451:

1451. As used in this part, the following definitions apply: (a) (1) "Domestic work" means services related to the care of persons in private households or maintenance of private households or their premises. Domestic work occupations include childcare providers, caregivers of people with disabilities, sick, convalescing, or elderly persons, house cleaners, housekeepers, maids, and other household occupations. (2) "Domestic work" does not include care of persons in facilities providing board or lodging in a