- Cake in the country | Happily baking in the back of beyond..

Description: Happily baking in the back of beyond..

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There comes a time in a 6 year old’s life when they must have their own kitchen. As you can imagine this was especially true for me. And there came a day that I turned to Peter, who was flitting around our house looking for things to blow up and chemicals with which to do so, and I said ‘I’m going to need a kitchen’. Well Peter dropped the box of shotgun bullets, matches and caps, and took off his re-purposed metal bowl that doubled as a helmet, and the search instead began for equipment.

The thing about living on a farm- and I use the term ‘farm’ with caution, is that a ready supply of moderately dangerous tools are within arms reach. My parents are firm believers that if you’re stupid enough to injure yourself with something you probably deserve it, and so with the most minor of warnings they’d leave most tools- hammers, nails, chainsaws etc within easy reach. The exception was trees. My father had a morbid fear of us falling out of a tree and given the size of our main climbing tree it wa

Well Peter and I donned our wellingtons, packed some light refreshments (cheese and onion tayto and a mini caramel bar each- my mother was never one for buying sweets but sidle up to her in dunnes with treat size caramel bars and you knew there’d be chocolate in the house for the week. Caramel bars and jelly babies) and took to the farm to find a kitchen worthy spot. Being 6 and not quite au fait with what a kitchen would actually need- a water supply, electricity, general shelter, we decided one of the gar

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