- Near Computronium

Description: Musings on math, music, meaning, machines, and more.

art (55434) music (52053) technology (16012) programming (6458) science (6093) philosophy (1680) computing (698)

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Hey! I’m Cade Brown and welcome to Near Computronium , my personal website and blog ( ). My main interests are mathematics, philosophy, artificial intelligence, programming languages, and data-driven art. I like to write tutorials from scratch, and deep-dives into mathematical/philosophical topics. I also write about practical tips and tricks I’ve learned the hard way, so hopefully you don’t have to.

Check out projects I’ve worked on: MAGMA , CARVE , kscript , SimpleSummit , OEIS A267263 , MPFR . Previously, I’ve worked at NVIDIA , OLCF @ ORNL , ICL @ UTK , PAIRS @ UTK, and open source communities.

You can find me online: