c-noshbioscience.com - C-Nosh Bioscience

Description: Exploring the world of food proteins from the point of sustainability, nutrition and taste.

Example domain paragraphs

When you see a human what you see is a massive mass of proteins. The skin, muscles, hair, nails are all made of proteins. Proteins serve as the basic structural material of the body as well as being a biochemical catalysts and regulator of genes. About 16% weight of an average human is made of protein and all this comes from diet.

Need of Protein  

Proteins are important macronutrients that are needed by the body. Proteins are not stored in the body and hence need to be supplied from the diets daily. The daily requirement of proteins is based on the individuals body weight, age, physical activity and physiological level (Pregnancy, Lactation etc). Proteins are polymers made by the combination of different amino acids. Amino acids from diets are of 20 different types and are classified as essential, non-essential and conditionally  essential amino acid