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Search Menu Evolution of Razors: A Historical Overview of Shaving Implements Search Search for: Close search Close Menu Evolution of Razors: A Historical Overview of Shaving Implements Evolution of Razors: A Historical Overview of Shaving Implements Shaving is an age-old grooming ritual that has been practiced by civilizations across the globe for thousands of years. Throughout history, the tools used for shaving have evolved significantly, reflecting changes in technology, culture,

The concept of shaving dates back to ancient times when early humans used primitive tools to remove facial and body hair. Ancient Egyptians are credited with being among the first to develop rudimentary razors around 3000 BCE. These early razors were typically made from copper or bronze and featured a simple blade design. The ancient Greeks and Romans later adopted shaving as a grooming practice, utilizing sharpened iron or bronze blades.

The Middle Ages witnessed significant advancements in razor technology. During this period, blacksmiths began crafting razors from steel, which offered superior sharpness and durability compared to earlier materials. The design of these early steel razors was similar to the straight razors we know today. However, they lacked the folding mechanism, requiring users to strop and store the blade separately.