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Description: If The Sundance and Butch Cassidy didn't die in Bolivia in 1908, what became of them? The, THE OLD GUN, FINDING SUNDANCE, provides an answer to that question.

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It was 1908 when two men rode into San Vicente, Bolivia , leading mules from the Aramayo Silver Mine payroll shipment that had recently been robbed. The duo strolled into the local boarding house and booked a room under the name Cassidy. The two outlaws settled in to their quarters unaware that they had made at least two fatal mistakes that day.

Not only had the San Vicente locals been alerted by the name Cassidy, they had also recognized the mules as coming from the recently robbed payroll train. The authorities were notified and soon the robbers were surrounded.

It is not clear whether they were killed by gunfire from the authorities or whether they took their own lives. In any case, they were dead and were subsequently buried in the San Vicente graveyard.