- Brittany in the QC | mom. travel bug. writer. board game enthusiast. devourer of fine foods. consumer of craft beverages.

Description: mom. travel bug. writer. board game enthusiast. devourer of fine foods. consumer of craft beverages.

Example domain paragraphs

A goal of mine was to be published by the time I turned 30. I’m now 34, so I’m extending my deadline and shooting for 40. I’m not completely starting from scratch. My life has a built-in drama – Lifetime-movie-worthy IMO.

I wrote the prologue 10 years ago and can’t seem to locate it. I’m a bit livid on that one at the moment and cursing the number of devices I’ve owned in the last decade. Why, oh why, did I not use the Cloud?!

I’ve learned my lesson of course. Now, all my writings are either on WordPress or saved to OneDrive. That includes the voice recordings of my interviews with my mother from last July when we spent 40+ hours in the car and so I asked her to share her life story along the way. Research and all.