- Civil Marriage Celebrant Sydney - Costco Wedding Sydney - Wedding Celebrant Sydney

Description: Call Now: 0421 768 296 Linda Mani Civil Marriage Celebrant Sydney - Costco Wedding in Sydney - Costco Wedding Celebrant Sydney

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Bright Morning Star Celebrations

Hello my name is Linda Mani and welcome to my website. I have been granted registration and maintained by the Attorney-General’s Department as an Authorised Registered Civil Marriage Celebrant since 9 th April 2010. I am also registered with the Australia Marriage Celebrants (AMC Membership No. M001457) Marriage, according to law in Australia, is the union of two people to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life. I strongly believe that marriage is both a natural institution and a sac

I have experience and resources to help you personalise your ceremony so that it reflects you and your unique relationship and would gladly embrace any ideas that you have, to make your ceremony a memorable and a blessed one. It’s a joy to see two special individuals coming together to join in the holy matrimony where we rejoice in those moments of fulfilment. It’s the joy of finding a partner with whom you choose to share your dreams, life, aspirations and destiny. These are true milestones in your life an