- Home - Michael Brennand-WoodMichael Brennand-Wood - Visual Artist, Curator, Lecturer, Arts Consultant

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The process works, are a call and response between an idea and its visual outcome. In effect the work is a game, what you see is the evidence of play; the moves made and counteracted, the strategies employed. Philosophically it’s interesting and emblematic of a desire to embrace the unknown. There are references to earlier works, connections to ideas, lines of enquiry never fully explored.

Recognizing that textiles historically has constantly referenced floral imagery as a source for textile patterning it seemed important to research the one area of textiles expression I had avoided. The floral works are split into two groups the initial Stars Underfoot photographic series and the subsequent computerised machine embroidery, acrylic paint, wood, glass and collages, first exhibited in Field of Centres, 2004 Exploring the illusionary space between two and three dimensions, these works were colou

I first made lace as a student and the influence of this fabric has been a constant source of inspiration. I’m particular drawn to the earlier geometrical Italian examples. Clearly there is a strong corelation between the mesh works and lace works, the difference is the latter’s use of loose geometry, a less rigid, asymmetrical linear structure. Lace and its histories are something I return to, on a very regular basis, the fabric has also informed, several large-scale public art projects.