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I recently discovered author, James Clear, and I’m almost finished reading his book, “Atomic Habits.” This is a very well written and easy to read book that I highly recommend to anyone. On his website he has a list of blog posts that always have an annual self review at the end of each year. […]

Often times I get made fun of by people who know me well, because they say I am very frugal. As frugal as I may be, there is one particular practice that I never shy away from overpaying.  I’m sure we’ve all had a moment where a perfect parking spot becomes available right in front […]

I want to help people become better versions of themselves. I’d like to share a simple framework to follow in order to better oneself incrementally on a daily basis. The areas people can better themselves at are in the realms of physical, mental, spiritual and the emotional. I want to expose people to a system […]