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His current work uses artificial intelligence/ machine learning to develop and translate automated brain image analysis tools for dementia into clinic for better diagnosis, prognosis and stratification of patients. He has built SLaM Image Bank as a platform for this. 

His research to date has used PET and MR Imaging to understand the causes of Alzheimer’s, particularly looking at amyloid, cell stress, mitochondria, synapses and astrocytes and the links with the clinical expression of the disease.

Before this he was Alzheimer's Society Clinical Research Training Fellow at the Hammersmith Hospital and UKDRI at Imperial College London. His PhD was in PET and MRI Imaging of the Cellular Phase of Alzheimer's Disease. He was awarded the Advances in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Therapies AD/PD Junior Faculty Award for this work. Prior to this he was an Alzheimer's Research UK Clinical Fellow at the Neuropsychopharmacology Unit at Imperial College London.

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