- BPool - Benefícios

Description: UM NOVO CAMINHO PARA A INDÚSTRIA CRIATIVA. A Boutique Pool é a plataforma que conecta clientes a parceiros de comunicação de um jeito simples, rápido e eficiente.

marketing (37186) marketplace (3235) propaganda (558) agências (34) agencia de design (13) planejamento de midia (4) empresas de comunicação (3) bpool (1) boutique pool (1) hub criativo (1)

Example domain paragraphs

BPool is an Enterprise Gateway Marketplace established to transform marketing services contracting and the way people work, empowering businesses and careers.

BPool is a platform that raises our chances of solving our business challenges with “fresh eyes”. The platform offers us the best curated partners for each project, we’ve been having great results with this partnership.

Working with BPool brought me agility, simplicity in complex processes and the opportunity to meet extremely competent agencies.

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