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MIRI, Jun 11, 2014: A fiery blast ripped apart a section of the Sabah-Sarawak interstate gas pipeline located in between Lawas town and Long Sukang in the northernmost district of Sarawak, resulting in the temporary shutdown of the RM4bil project owned by national oil giant Petronas. The explosion at about 2am shattered the early morning […]

THAILAND, Jun 3, 2014: Opponents of Thailand’s military coup are risking arrest by flashing the three-finger salute from the “Hunger Games” movies to defy a junta that has banned all public protests. The gesture has become the unofficial symbol of resistance against a military regime that has suspended democracy and severely curtailed freedom of expression. […]

ISTANBUL, May 13, 2014: A coal-mine blast in Western Turkey killed at least 166 workers on Tuesday in the nation’s worst mining catastrophe in more than two decades, sparking a massive effort to rescue hundreds of miners still trapped underground and facing the risk of gas poisoning. The midafternoon explosion at Soma Komur Isletmeleri AS’s […]

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