Description: BOND Creative MGMT is an executive search and consulting firm founded by Leonardo Lawson that partners with innovative companies across a range of industries - Design, Advertising, Branding, E-commerce, Interactive Technology, Media, Entertainment, Fashion, Retail and Beauty.

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BOND CREATIVE MANAGEMENT harnesses its considerable influence and deep-rooted expertise as a dynamic catalyst for the empowerment of young BIPOC creatives. BOND Creative Advancement Project (BCAP) is an ambitious and comprehensive initiative committed to fostering an inclusive and diverse landscape within the creative industries. BCAP, in its essence, is a multi-dimensional venture, offering a fusion of scholarship opportunities, an expansive mentorship program, and an internship placement initiative, all m

As a Black-owned entity and a recognized diversity supplier, BCAP stands in a unique position of strength and insight, enabling us to extend expert consultation to prominent companies and cultural institutions in the creative sectors. Our objective is steadfast: to instigate and sustain meaningful change through the implementation of robust Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) strategies. In this journey, BCAP and BOND are not merely proponents of greater diversity; we are actively sculpting an industry e

Navigating the path to scholarships at prestigious design schools presents formidable challenges, particularly for BIPOC students grappling with the intricacies of the intergenerational wealth gap. In recognizing this stark inequality, the BCAP Scholarship Program was established as a vital strategic endeavor to dismantle these barriers. Our mission is to accelerate the growth of the next generation of talent, empowering them to not only participate but to ascend as global leaders and pioneers of innovation

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