- Bob Kalk - The Experience Bank

Description: Our Vision for a new kind of service ministry has developed continuously for well over a one-half of a century. While the vision itself has remained in focus continually, its definition has been greatly enhanced over the years. It was informed, in no small measure, by a box of letters my sister sent me when

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Our Focus Our Team Bob Kalk Carol Forester Jim Downs Kevin McCarthy Rick Bates The Value of Experience Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Bob Kalk Our Vision for a new kind of service ministry has developed continuously for well over a one-half of a century. While the vision itself has remained in focus continually, its definition has been greatly enhanced over the years. It was informed, in no small measure, by a box of letters my sister sent me when she was preparing my now deceased parent’s home for sale. My moth

Every teacher wrote the same thing: “I just can’t motivate him!” Ten years after receiving that box of letters, I was speaking with my son’s history teacher at a parent / teacher conference. I was stunned when I heard these words:”I just can’t motivate him!”

At first I was more than a little ticked off. I thought: “You educators haven’t learned much about what motivates people have you?” Then, I considered the context. Thirty kids in a class. How can any teacher fine tune the curriculum for each kid? I then made a suggestion. “You know my son lives and breaths music right?” The teacher nodded. I continued: “If, in the context of the civil rights movement, Justin was asked to reflect on the influence Elvis had, or the effect of the Beatle’s refusal to play for a