- Bob's Blog – Finance, programming and stuff

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NumberPhile did a video on potentially infinite Knight Tours that I found quite interesting. I wanted to test out literate programming using Quarto to solve it and I did ( result ) 🙂

The RStudio integration with Quarto is really good and for a problem like this it really helps to keep your thoughts and code in the same place. Plots like this one that shows the complete tour are displayed inline and the experience is comparable with a Jupyter notebook with the advantage that it is not in the browser but in a polished IDE.

In my previous post I looked at the Tikz capabilities of ChatGPT. The quality of the graphics produced were above my expectations but I wouldn’t call them useful. While doing research for this interesting Quant.SE question I came up with a more interesting question. Can ChatGPT explain and plot option strategies? Turns out it can not but since I’m doing science on this blog, I share with you the results below anyways.

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