- Research Engineer in Digital Methods | Béatrice Mazoyer

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I work at the French medialab , an interdisciplinary research laboratory that investigates the role of digital technology in our societies. My research focuses on the collection and analysis of social media data , using natural language processing and data mining methods.

During my PhD , I worked on mutual influences between social media and traditional news media . My research project was bi-disciplinary: to make sense of datasets containing millions of messages a day, I used machine learning techniques. On the other hand, I used econometrical methods to understand the causal effect of social media activity on publications by news media. My thesis was funded by the Institut National de l’Audiovisuel (the French Multimedia Institute) and co-supervised by CentraleSupélec .

Main supervisor: Céline Hudelot CentraleSupelec, Mathematics and Interaction with Computer Sciences (MICS) Laboratory