- Blue Sky Thought

Description: Thoughts and musings

Example domain paragraphs

Writing grows like muscle. The first few times it’s sore and you don’t feel so happy with what you put yourself through, but it gets better with time. As I sit at my desk the breeze tickles my back and I don’t feel like I’ve got anything worth writing. That’s always how it is when you begin—at least for me. Maybe better writers feel differently. But then I reach the end and find I’ve written shit. And then I edit and find some grammatical errors so it’s in fact even more shit than I first thought. But one d

Now that I’ve began dramatically enough, I move to what this first post is really meant to be about. The purpose of this site. Its main goal is to give me a place to express myself. My plan is to write essays on how I see things, how I consider concepts in the books I read, and other idiosyncrasies that interest me in the world. To express myself and share the things I think and the reasons why I think them. It’s a personal project, but somehow I, who like the deep valleys that solitude brings, will feel li

There won’t be a topic list because I’m a dabbler. But I try not to be a dilettante no matter the accuracy of that label. Because of this planned variation, the site name is only a little bit informative, because as far as I know, the phrase “blue sky thought” means dreaming for the future and not being limited by the present, and that’s a bit too focused for me and a bit at odds with what I believe too. I think we’re products of our environment and can’t think up things that are new. Just rearrange the way