- The Official Blog of Howard Ahmanson Jr. - Howard Ahmanson Jr

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Joseph Henrich argues that the Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic world got its uniqueness from family codes imposed by the Church in the Early Middle Ages.  The key parts of these codes were not restrictions on same-sex marriage or […]

Those who want to fight against ‘CRT’ and ‘wokeness’ are doing a good thing.  But it should not be an excuse for going back and whitewashing our history [pun sort of intended].  I admire the efforts of those on the […]

The definition of ‘conservative’ or ‘right’ has changed greatly since the days of Goldwater, as Steven Hayward points out as far back as 2014. Steven Hayward was Larry Arnn’s right-hand man at Claremont Institute in the old days.  Arnn moved […]