- Content agency in London run by ex-journalists

Description: Looking for high-quality copywriting and content? Blue Chip Content delivers words that sizzle and content that converts. For service businesses including finance, tech, Fintech and property. Call 020 7126 8567.

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We regularly commission research and pore over publicly-available reports and data to find the gold in them hills. Whatever your objective, we can guide you on what research is required, what’s already out there and how to wring every last drop of value from your investment, from market research to the media. Not all polling companies were born equal either so it’s important to choose the right one for your needs. And if you don’t ask the right questions in the first place, your research is DOA.

From thought leadership to expert explainers, we have the journalist experience to write sparkling copy worthy of any publication on Earth. We’ve written for some of the biggest titles on the planet. It took years to learn, carefully honed as we were like fine swords in the hands of the nation’s news editing blacksmiths. The scars run deep but you can rely on us to produce copy that will stop your audience in their tracks.

Convert better online and reduce bounce rates with tight copy that gives people the essential information they need where they most expect it. Wasn’t it Shakespeare who wrote ‘brevity is the soul of wit’? Well he was right, and the same goes for the words you put in your shop window. Choose wisely and use as few words as you can. Don’t repeat yourself and don’t waffle on. Just get to the point. And don’t repeat yourself.

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