- Blow Broadcast

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BLOW BROADCAST’ is an international content creator. An independent arthouse invested in human stories. The first project to come through the turnstiles of BLOW BROADCAST is ‘AAG KA GOLA L.A’. A music film which is entirely shot in LOS ANGELES with Hollywood actor Robert Homan [STEP -UP 2] and Jas Sagu [WOMAN! I LOVE YOU]. Concept, written and directed by Arsala Qureishi.

The music film is a testament to the power and randomness of human life. We have thetemerity to be aected and moved by strangers with whom we share the world and spaces with.The music film is an interplay between, mood, atmosphere, loneliness, randomness between two strangers who intersect at places, the bond they share and the loss they feel.

AAG KA GOLA L.A is a dance floor track but with deep visceral projections, experiments with analogue sound, synth whilst the projections are anthemic and the lyrics are in Urdu. An evocative language that needs immediate revival as its fast fading into a vestige of the past. Atmospheric, cinematic, music blurring genres, music which moves forward towards distant places or immediate thoughts, while oering a sense of alienation and connect. A unique blend of sublunary and celestial.