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The performance is to be seen in 2020 at

Cry me a River — the Quest for the Source premiers at Black Box Teater on 12 June and is showing on 13 and 14 June at 7pm. Cry Me a River – the Quest for the Source started as an expedition to the source of the River Styx in Greece. In Greek mythology, Styx is the river that constitutes the border between the earth and the underworld. Achilles was dipped in it, Narcissus fell in love with his own image and drowned in it, the Gods swore oaths by it and memory disappears if you drink it.

Truth and origin do not exist as absolutes, but as longings within us. In their search for truth or answers, Karen Røise Kielland and Katja Dreyer go backwards in time to find the source. Through pictures, objects, motion and words, they reconstruct their journey along the Styx, their meetings with locals with stories about their relationship to the river and the myths linked to it. The performance will attempt to recreate the metamorphosis from a multicolored chaos to a silent and monochrome, almost muse-l