- Black Teach for Black Lives

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We are a collective of Black tech entrepreneurs, investors, creatives, changemakers, and workers, united to use our social, political, and economic capital for the advancement of our communities. We commit to acting in solidarity with those leaders working to create a more just world. 

Tech is complicit. We as Black people in tech have a unique position and opportunity to respond to violence against Black people’s bodies. While we’re proximate to the pain, we largely avoid its most brutal physical outcomes. But we, too, feel the blows. We carry the scars on our psyches and hearts as our voices go largely unheard in the workplace and beyond.

We carry a legacy from our ancestors to strategically lend our voices and resources in confronting the anti-Blackness at the core of systemic racism and oppression. While anti-Blackness in policing and policy exists nationally, we will lift up efforts of local Bay Area community leaders as an example for other cities to follow. 

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