- bitter-girl :: musings

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Poor customer service annoys me mightily. Today, the following exchange with an employee of the company formerly known as… (rhymes with Hinko’s):

“I know I can email you a document to be printed; could I also email you a fax to be sent out? My fax is broken.” “No.” “Why not?” “Because it’s not a service we provide.” “Why not?” “Well, how would you come in and pay for it?” “Umm…I’d give you my credit card over the phone like a normal human being?” “Oh. Ok. Send it.”

He got it easier than the waitress who chose to stand around and talk with her pals instead of taking our order last week, let me tell you. Hey, brain trust — if I had time to come in and pay for it in person, don’t you think I’d just fax it myself while I was there? Sheesh.

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