- – join the unbanking movement

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Welcome to my website. My name is Martin Langer, I am musician, singer-songwriter, guitar and handpan player, music producer and DJ from Germany. I am also an ambassador of plant medicine, like Cacao, Sananga, Kambo, Ayahausca, Bufo and Wachuma.

Besides all that I educate people about Bitcoin, Ethererum and crypto currencies as the blockchain technology will overtake in the future, as back in the days the internet.

Bitcoin will be the new gold as digitalization spreads. Smart contracts coins like Ethereum, Solana, Avalanche, Radix, Polkadot, BNB, and Cardano will be used to make life simpler by automating processes. This will cut out middlemen like banks, authorities, bureaucracy and even governments. That is one of the reasons why the adoption is slow and when you are reading this, we are still very early.