- Bipolar Finance – Financial information and loan guides.

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If you have significant credit card debt then you will know how difficult it can seem to pay it off. It is very easy to accumulate a large debt, perhaps on multiple cards and not even realise that it is building up until it gets out of hand. As you can set up your credit card so that only a small minimum payment, usually just the interest, is paid each month, then the debt can build up very quickly.

Once you discover this debt or even if you knew that it was accumulating, you may feel that it will be almost impossible to get rid of it. However, it is possible, but you will have to be committed. The first step to take is to stop spending money on the card. This can be really difficult, particularly if you use it regularly. However, before you can start to pay back what you owe, you will need to stop increasing the debt.

To stop spending on the card, you will need to think about what things you buy and how you will manage without it. Consider what you use it for and how you will be able to cope without using it. It could be that you use it to manage at the end of the month when your money runs out, that you use it to buy things that you would not otherwise be able to afford. You will need to probably consider going without things and this could be difficult. You will need to prioritise your spending and make sure that you o