- Big Brother Awards International

Description: Die Sicherung der Privatsphäre wird im Zeitalter der globalen Kommunikation zur wesentlichen demokratischen Herausforderung. Die technischen Möglichkeiten des Sammelns und Auswertens elektronischer Informationen [Datamining und Rasterfahndung] verführen immer mehr Organisationen dazu, diese Instrumente global zu missbrauchen.

menschenrechte (181) big brother (86) 1984 (78) privatsphäre (44) george orwell (12) big brother awards (2) freie meinungsäußerung (2) big brother award (1) briefgeheimnis (1) grundfreiheiten (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Government agencies and private companies are increasingly violating the privacy of people everywhere. Enormous amounts of personal data are being collected, stored and processed - often illegally - in the pursuit of more efficient marketing, greater social control, and more powerful mechanisms for monitoring of the citizen. Fighting crime by committing one appears to be the future solution for law enforcement agencies in the information society of the 21 century. But - who watches the watchmen? Initially P

Scheduled Awards Ceremonies

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