- Birmingham Community Foundation: Helping you to help Birmingham and the Black Country

Description: A member of a national community focussed framework, The Birmingham Community Foundation helps to fund hundreds of local charity and community projects in Birmingham and The Black Country each year. These grass roots projects are often located in disadvantaged areas of our inner city areas that suffer from high levels of poverty and deprivation.

community (14862) charity (7029) projects (3269) birmingham (2306) poverty (542) grass roots (46) black country (38) deprivation (5) birmingham foundation (1) birmingham community foundation (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Partners in Success

Making a difference in your community starts here - we are a registered charity dedicated to helping local people , find local solutions to local needs from the grassroots up. Please take a few moments to read first hand how our Partners in Success and Funded Projects are helping local communities today...

Surviving Winter Appeal