- Congregation Beth El

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Five Lesser-Known Foods You Need to Try in Israel jemerman August 25, 2023 Israeli Recipes Image The following foods are part of the mosaic created through this ingathering, and can therefore be considered "Israeli," even though they may have origins that predate the modern State of Israel.

Dawn: An Elul Poem jemerman August 25, 2023 High Holidays Image As we prepare for the High Holy Days, we engage in cheshbon hanefesh, an accounting of the soul. During the month of Elul, we look inward and reflect. This poem speaks to the possibilities of healing ourselves and our world.

613 Mitzvot, 613 Seeds: A Look at the Pomegranate’s History, Symbolism, and Uses jemerman August 24, 2023 Jewish Rituals and Symbols Image Why is the pomegranate such a prominent symbol of Rosh HaShanah and what are some other ways to use it?