- Congregation Betenu of Amherst New Hampshire USA

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To contact the Betenu office, please click here or call 603-886-1633.

Season of Light:  As we head into the dark time of the year and our tradition’s Festival of Lights, we will do some Talmud study that pits Hillel and Shammai against each other (as usual!) with respect to the right way to light Chanukah candles.  The study will bring up larger questions about disagreements, traditions, and finding our way with multiple, competing instructions. Join us at 1:30 PM, Sunday afternoon December 11, either in person or on Zoom, for a discussion led by Hebrew College Rabbinic Inter

Congregation Betenu Religious School offers a comprehensive Jewish education for students in grades K-7, including Jewish Studies, Hebrew, music, art, dance, holiday programming, and Bar/Bat Mitzvah preparation.  The school features a qualified, caring, and experienced staff, small class sizes, and weekly Sunday sessions.