- Welcome to our Synagogue - Bet Chaverim

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Bet Chaverim House of Friends Yom Shishi, 20 Sivan 5783 Main About our Rabbi BC Board BYLAWS for Bet Chaverim Donations Our Sanctuary Worship Rosh HaShana (New Year) KOL NIDRE YOM KIPPUR Sukkot Simchat Torah Passover Tu B’Shevat Yahrzeit Chuppah Directions Contacts Membership Education URJ sponsored classes Jewish Education/Holiays Learning Jewish The Jewish Denominations Hebrew study Biblical Family Tree Social Events Books and Bagels PURIM at Bet Chaverim POSTS Donations Welcome to Bet Chaverim We are a s

The Story of Bet Chaverim: We started off as “Community Synagogue Of South King County”, CSSKC . During a Sunday school session, a more meaningful name, Bet Chaverim (a house of friends) was nominated.

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