- Josh Berryman Science Page

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This is a page that I maintain myself to publicise my work and share code for download. I also have an entry in the online staff directory at the University of Luxembourg . Previously I have worked as an assistant to Prof. Tanja Schilling here in Luxembourg; also I have postdoc'd in the KOMET 331 group in Mainz. I did my PhD in Leeds, co-supervised by Sarah Harris and Sheena Radford ; and my other degrees at Edinburgh.

My research is mostly in the region of computational molecular biology, chemical physics and physical chemistry. Right now most of my effort is spent developing novel simulation and search techniques. I publish mostly in journals that have "phys" "chem" "bio" or "comput" in their names.

What happens when you pull on one end of a DNA double-helix? The answer, surprisingly, is still not entirely clear. What happens would appear to depend on the sequence, the solution conditions and the precise way that you pull (fast/slow/exact atom to apply the force on...).