- Sneak-Attack Philosophy — cordeliayu[dot]com

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I started a blag to write about my journey for gender-affirming surgery later this year. There may be service blueprints of my journey. No promises, though.

First, let me say that working with the OpenNews dream team was…well…a dream. From the outside, everyone who has been to an OpenNews event or interacted with them in any way have said that they are the most thoughtful and caring people. Working alongside them for six months, I can say that what we see from the outside is a pure reflection of how they are when nobody is watching.

The care, thoughtfulness, and heart they put into everything is something I don’t think I’ve ever seen outside of passion projects. Other national organizations talk about being community-diven, talk about how they do their work for the community, but few actually listen in a meaningful way. Fewer still work with their community every day. OpenNews does that . While other organizations say they care about their members and constituents, OpenNews puts real tangible resources into people and you can see it in

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