- Tree Services of Omaha - Omaha, Nebraska

Description: Tree Services of Omaha

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A tree in the summer is a beautiful thing to see, with its lush, green canopy of leaves. Trees provide much-needed shade in urban environments and let you get in touch with nature, even if you live in the middle of a city. Giving the trees around your property the right amount of care and attention throughout the summer months will ensure they continue to thrive and benefit you and your neighbors for as long as possible.

Follow these tips for summer tree care to keep the trees near your home vibrant and healthy for as long as possible.

Trees, like all plants, animals and people, need water to survive. How much water you give them plays a significant role in their continued health, as does when and how frequently you water. A tree's water needs will change over time, too. Water younger, freshly planted trees more frequently than older, more established trees. As a general rule of thumb, here's how often you should water your trees, based on their planting.