- Brace Belden - Wikipedia

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Brace Robert Belden is an American podcaster and union activist who volunteered to serve with the People's Protection Units (YPG), a Kurdish militia, in the Syrian Civil War . [6] [2] Belden is also widely known by his former Twitter handle, PissPigGranddad . He is currently the co-host of the podcast TrueAnon with Liz Franczak.

Belden was born to Jewish parents in San Francisco and grew up in Corte Madera , California . [7] His father is a journalist at a local TV station, and his brother works in tech. [7] His mother died by suicide when he was six years old. [7] Belden has said he was "a troubled teen" and went to five different high schools, including Monarch School , a boot camp which he ran away from before being arrested for public intoxication in Mission Dolores Park . [7] [8] Belden has identified as a Marxist since his te

Belden has said that he "always worked shitty jobs" and that he supposed he "should have gone to college", affixed with the caveat "but a lot of good that did other guys." [8] After graduating from high school, he worked as a florist at Brothers Papadopoulos flower shop in the San Francisco Bay Area . In 2015, he launched a petition to cancel A Prairie Home Companion , a radio show by American Public Media . The petition said it "is a dumb boring show that forces millions of radio listeners under 60 to turn