- Freelance ART & Media

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A Work in Progress Training Body, Mind &Spirit w/The WORD OF GOD A Work in Progress Training Body, Mind &Spirit w/The WORD OF GOD A Work in Progress Training Body, Mind &Spirit w/The WORD OF GOD A Work in Progress Training Body, Mind &Spirit w/The WORD OF GOD Enjoy this day The LORD has made! Seek/Protect Peace Pursue selfless ambition+GIVE your entire life journey to Yeshua Jesus! 

Enjoy this day The LORD has made! Seek/Protect Peace Pursue selfless ambition+GIVE your entire life journey to Yeshua Jesus! 

But as a child of GOD you can stand up to intimidation +rise above fear. Embrace Holy Spirit-Empowered Courage +Faith, Find Divine Peace +HOLY Guidance in Scripture. Boldly face obstacles during the continual bombardment of strange end time events