- Beanincave|洞豆媒體設計

Description: 來自台灣的媒體設計團隊,擅長運用跨領域媒材設計出充滿設計感的專案,

Example domain paragraphs

網站改版中,請耐心等候… 直接與我們聯繫- +886 7 392-9168| [email protected]

Provide design services such as brand creativity, logo design, marketing strategy, etc., and solve complex processes for you through different aspects such as graphic, dynamic. 提供品牌創意、標誌設計、行銷策略等設計服務,並藉由平面、動態、商品開發與包裝及內容服務導向等不同面向,替您解決複雜的過程,享受豐碩的專案成果。

Provide visual dynamics, film and television shooting, short media post-production special effects, image CF advertising, online interactive website development, digital content advertising and other services, sort out the tedious design process, and create forward-looking digital projects for you. 提供平面結合動態、影視拍攝、形象CF廣告、線上互動網站開發、數位內容廣告等不同服務,梳理繁瑣的設計流程,化繁為簡利用媒體創造需具有豐沛記憶點的數位成果。