- Bathellier Lab

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Located in the Hearing Institute ( Institut de l'Audition ) a research center of the Institut Pasteur in Paris, the Bathellier lab is investigating the computational principles of auditory and multisensory processing. To do so, we combine advanced mathematical analysis and theoretical modeling with a large array of experimental approaches, including two-photon calcium imaging, multichannel electrophysiology, optogenetics and mouse behavior. 

We published a new paper highlighting major differences between sensory responses in the awake and anesthetized state. Under anesthesia, sensory evoked neuronal assemblies closely resemble spontaneous assemblies. In the awake state, spontaneous and evoked assemblies are clearly distinct. This study was carried over by Anton Filipchuk in collaboration with Alain Destexhe at NeuroPSI.

Congratulations to Sara Jamali who successfully defended h er PhD thesis on Sept 30 th, 202 2 !