- A Ballplayer’s Blog – A Ballplayers Blog – Life in the Minor Leagues

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A Ballplayers Blog – Life in the Minor Leagues

I will need to check if I am breaking some “fourth wall” writer’s rule by saying this, but it feels so good to be back on the keyboard. I have had trouble confronting my new reality the last seven weeks, while I also have struggled to put the last 14 months of baseball into words. Mentally, and yes this is very dramatic, it felt like something really important in my life vanished or evaporated into thin air right before my eyes. This April was the first time I was not on a baseball team playing the game som

The people I let down. The toughest part has been getting over that hump, relieving myself of that burden. I feel like I had what it takes to be a Big Leaguer, many coaches and teammates said the same thing to me. I also know for a fact that I gave it every ounce of effort that I had to the game that I love so much, and I truly believe that in my heart. I have had heavy but necessary conversations with my family, girlfriend, close friends, agent, and even Coach Penders , who took the time to have a long tal