- Balashon - Hebrew Language Detective

Description: A blog about the origin of Hebrew words and phrases and how they relate to English and other languages.

Example domain paragraphs

I'm so happy to share with all of you that after nearly six years of work, my first book,  Kohelet - A Map to Eden , is available:

While it doesn't deal with etymology per se, it does use a linguistic lens to discover connections and parallels between Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) and the opening chapters of Bereshit (Genesis).  It's a genuine page-turner, and shows how Kohelet - often viewed as depressing, confusing, and even tedious - tells a real story, and provides a powerful message of hope.  Kohelet – A Map to Eden is not simply a running commentary on Kohelet, although I do delve into the explanation of its verses. Rather, think of it

In a recent episode of his great podcast Streetwise Hebrew , host Guy Sharett reviews words deriving from the root פקח. He discusses the meaning and usage of such words as:

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