- Baghdad Artist

Description: Art and Culture in Baghdad | practice English with Spotlight, Baghdad night walk and bike ride, Art Bridge| Iraq 2024, Baghdad Art Exhibition: ‘In the Shadow of Mesopotamia’, Iraq – Making it on Baghdad’s Al-Mutanabbi Street-Artist thrives in challenging times

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Baghdad ( Arabic : بغداد ‎ ,بغداد Kurdish : Bexda ‎ , Iraqi pronunciation: [bɐʁˈd̪ɑːd̪] ) is the capital of the Republic of Iraq . The population of Baghdad, as of 2011, is approximately 7,216,040, making it the largest city in Iraq, the second largest city in the Arab world (after Cairo , Egypt ), and the second largest city in Western Asia (after Tehran , Iran ). According to the government, the population of the country has reached 35   million, with 9   million in the capital.

Located along the Tigris River , the city was founded in the 8th century and became the capital of the Abbasid Caliphate . Within a short time of its inception, Baghdad evolved into a significant cultural, commercial, and intellectual center for the Islamic world . This, in addition to housing several key academic institutions (e.g. House of Wisdom ), garnered the city a worldwide reputation as the "Center of Learning".

Throughout the High Middle Ages , Baghdad was considered to be the largest city in the world with an estimated population of 1,200,000 people. The city was largely destroyed at the hands of the Mongol Empire in 1258, resulting in a decline that would linger through many centuries due to frequent plagues and multiple successive empires. With the recognition of Iraq as an independent state (formerly the British Mandate of Mesopotamia ) in 1938, Baghdad gradually regained some of its former prominence as a sig