- Bad Person

Example domain paragraphs

How about this California mega-drought? Yes, compared to the last glacial period that ended 11,500 years ago, we're in a drought. Follow the science.

And how about all these devastating forest fires caused by climate change? Never mind the forestry experts who say they're caused by fuel build-up from a century of aggressive fire suppression (thanks Smoky Bear), no, you need to follow the science.

Never mind that for most of the last 66 million years atmospheric carbon dioxide has been 400-2000ppm. Never mind that for the last 2.4 million years we've been in an ice age and this is just one of the interglacial periods. Never mind that permanent ice caps at the poles is not a normal part of Earths climate. Never mind that sea level has risen almost 400 feet since the last ice age. Never mind that sea level was 120 feet higher during the last interglacial period. Nope, the world is heading for climate a