- BADGE of Forsyth County

Description: Benevolent Association Dedicated to Giving to Employees of Forsyth County Sherrif's Office, Inc. (BADGE ), founded in 2015, is an independent, charitable 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering aid and overall well being to employees of Forsyth County Sheriff’s office. The mission of BADGE is to give back to employees of the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office that serve and protect

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The mission of B.A.D.G.E. is to give back to employees of the Forsyth County Service Organizations that serve and protect us. To restore confidence, hope and peace of mind through financial and other support when unforeseen or unwelcome circumstances enter their lives.

Thank you to the citizens of Forsyth County who both, created B.A.D.G.E., and those that support it, because they see the need to support all of our public safety employees, within the county. Forsyth County has some of the most professional emergency management and emergency telecommunications staff in the entire state, and to know that they have a local organization looking out for them during their times of need is very comforting, not only to them, but also to their families.

Not only has BADGE committed to helping our Public Safety families during a critical time of need, they have also committed to providing scholarships to employees and their children to ensure that they can continue their education, by raising funds from local businesses and citizens who care for their hometown heroes. On behalf of the men and women of Forsyth County's Emergency Management Agency, thank you B.A.D.G.E., for your care and support.