- bacchaeD | everything and nothing

Description: everything and nothing

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There is something inherently wrong with a very large portion of our population being absolutely fine being lied to. Being befooled and baffled with bull rather than dazzled with brilliance. In wanting false easy narratives over reality and hard truths. Wanting to ignore truth and honest solutions, growth, hard work, and making their own American dream and instead, blame others, put up easy solutions to problems that do not exist instead of actually solving real challenges and then starting all over when ac

            I used to be that arrogant, overly confident that I knew it all, and this fool arguing with me over the internet, or stating silliness on television was either lying or brainwashed. They clearly were insane. If the things they were screaming about were happening; the news would tell us. The news would certainly give us a warning about anything major happening. A war, a pandemic, children being tossed over a border wall. That is the job, right?             That’s what I used to believe. Deeply, a

I have been on in FB Jail. You know, you say something, they mark it as against their guidelines and you get booted, along with your post. Out of context, out of out of the full discussion, this one line … Continue reading →