avirkud.github.io - Apurva Virkud

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I'm currently a PhD student in computer science (2022 - ?) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign working with Prof. Adam Bates and Prof. Gang Wang . My research interests are in security, privacy, and Internet measurement.

Previously, I was a research associate (2020 - 2022) in Prof. Roya Ensafi's lab working on projects related to security and network censorship measurement . I graduated from the University of Michigan in 2020 with a BSE in computer science. During undergrad, I also did research in computer aided diagnosis ( Michigan Medicine: CAD-AI Lab ), automotive security ( UMTRI: ESG ), and analysis of C. elegans ( Life Sciences Institute: S. Xu Lab ).

I also enjoy running, guitar, and chess! I have taught and competitively played chess for many years and am a National Master.

Links to avirkud.github.io (1)