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Young Adult Novel

Babies in the year 2048 receive a chip at birth with their social security number and identification–unless you’re a Neverborn. An abortionist saved his life without the knowledge or consent of his mother. Kekoa first discovers his plight on a pig hunt in a remote canyon on the island of Kauai. Now he must leave to protect the couple who raised him. But he was trained in survival in the wilderness, not amid thieves and murderers in the world outside his private canyon, people who want to use him as a scapeg

I’ve been a homeschool mom, teacher, counselor, and marriage coach, but always it’s been important for me to make learning fun. Now I get to spin wild stories, take people on adventures, and put readers in situations they wouldn’t normally be able to experience. Writing allows me to encourage and develop readers by giving them hard-warming scenes and takeaways that make them better people, and all the while sending them on a captivating journey. And who doesn’t like to have fun!