- Augmented Democracy

Example domain paragraphs

In this TED talk, César Hidalgo, Director of the Center for Collective Learning , presents the idea of augmented democracy. Below, you can find answers to frequently asked questions (f.a.q.). Here you can fin the talk in both English and Spanish.

All the contents in this website are open source with a “by-” license with free commercial and noncommercial use allowed. Homepage photograph by John Werner. Art by Maria Venegas (download images 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 )

Augmented Democracy (AD) is the idea of using digital twins to expand the ability of people to participate directly in a large volume of democratic decisions. A digital twin, software agent, or avatar is loosely defined as a personalized virtual representation of a human. It can be used to augment the ability of a person to make decisions by either providing information to support a decision or making decisions on behalf of that person. Many of us interact with simple versions of digital twins every day. Fo