- Welcome to Atomic Gender – Atomic Gender

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Atomic Gender is a hub of collected resources by Zinnia Jones on the science of gender identity and the activities of the worldwide anti-transgender movement.

In nine years of running the Gender Analysis blog, I’ve witnessed a dramatic deterioration on all fronts of public will to understand or improve the lives of trans and gender-diverse people, fueled by a long-term political campaign to create an explicit and comprehensive anti-trans belief system — a mission to teach the world how to hate us.

This has brought us to the disastrous state of affairs in 2023: an explosion of bans on gender-affirming care accomplished in mere months by the global right wing; evidence manufactured against trans healthcare to support partisan political goals; assertions by judges that United States law does not contain a right for trans adults to receive their gender-affirming medication; the academic laundering of anti-trans prejudice; attempts to limit the freedom of gender expression by deeming drag performances “ob

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