- Atlas & Arugula

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After 6 months spent moving, saying goodbyes, weeping, changing, accepting, and experiencing every emotion you can imagine both separate and apart, L and I finally got the chance to take a holiday together and explore. We picked Prague. Quick train or plane ride from Munich, different language and culture than our new country, and a LOT of coaxing from our friends and families telling us how magical and intriguing it is there. DONE! Lets go!

We had never travelled together like this, in a city foreign to us both, navigating maps, trains, connections to our flat, food?! It’s something that can test a couple, any pair of travelers and I had no idea what to expect. It’s one thing to marry someone, take vows, say to one another you will be and will do things for the rest of your life together… its entirely another thing to put those words into action.

The truth is, once we got going and made it through some stressed moments of train connections and seating arrangements, we were blissed out to be on an adventure. No amount of singing raucous drinking stag parties on the Alex train, and kids sitting in the aisles on mini seats crowding the 80 degrees and windows open was going to stop our ride!!! (OK! I had some nervous nauseous moments, NO it wasn’t all glamorous but….. we made it).