- - Freshwater Ecosystems

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Lakes, ponds, streams, wetlands, rivers and springs are all included in earth's different freshwater ecosystems. These ecosystems are incredibly important for the planet's wellbeing, and not least to our own. The importance of healthy, clean freshwater ecosystems was discovered during hard plagues where contaminated sewage systems made it almost impossible to contain the spread of the awful diseases. Today we know very well how essential clean water is to our survival.

Unfortunately freshwater ecosystems are endangered all over the planet, more in some areas than others. The contamination of the water due to human emissions, the extinction of species from the flora and fauna and the effects from global warming are all big threats to the freshwater ecosystems. The freshwater species are being extinct at a rate that is more than five times higher than that of land living species, a fact that is highly disturbing. This is mainly because of invasive species taking out keyston